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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Upper Egypt’s Mallawi Museum has recovered 91% of artifacts looted in 2013 | Cairo Post

Upper Egypt's Mallawi Museum has recovered 91% of artifacts looted in 2013

The Artifacts Seized By Police. Youm7.

CAIRO: Some 950 out of 1,040 stolen artifacts have been recovered after being looted from Mallawi museum in Upper Egypt's Minya in the unrest followed the 2013 dispersal of the Muslim Brotherhood sit-ins, announced the Minister of Antiquities Mamdouh el-Damaty.

Damaty said, as quoted by Youm7 Monday, that 80 percent of the restoration works at the museum have been completed.

He added that there is "continuous coordination" with concerned bodies to follow up on the rest of the looted pieces in case they were smuggled outside.

Security measures at a number of archeological sites in Minya have been reconsidered after several stealing incidents took place in the area of Barsha Monastery.

Egypt is cooperating with Germany in restoring the last phase of the Mallawi museum with a funding of 10 million Euros; a related protocol is expected to be signed by both sides in May.

The Mallawi Museum was established in 1963, and housed an important collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts.

Egypt's political turmoil since the January 25 Revolution in 2011 and its consequent security lapse have left the country's cultural heritage vulnerable to looting.

During the past four years, Egypt has recovered more than 1,600 artifacts and is currently working on other cases in many European countries, head of the Repatriated Artifacts Department Aly Ahmed previously told The Cairo Post.

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