Friday, March 25, 2016

Review on JSTOR


Reviewed Work: Cultural Expression in the Old Kingdom Elite Tomb by Sasha Verma
Review by: Leslie Anne Warden
Near Eastern Archaeology
Vol. 79, No. 1, Tell es-Sultan and Tell Damiyah Gustav Dalman's Exploration of Palestine Teaching Epigraphy in the 21st Century Imagining Mari: Jean-Claude Margueron (March 2016), pp. 62-63
Page Count: 2
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Books to Dig into
Cultural Expression in the Old Kingdom Elite Tomb By Sasha Verma. Archaeopress Egyptology v. 1. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2014. Pp. vi + 288. Paperback. $55.00. ISBN 9781905739790.

Author Information

Leslie Anne Warden Roanoke College

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