Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Luxor News - Jane Akshar: Thebes in the First Millennium BC

Thebes in the First Millennium BC

Registration for the second “Thebes in the First Millennium BC” conference is open. The conference is being organized by the South Asasif Conservation Project (SACP) in conjunction with the Ministry of Antiquities (MoA), and the Egypt Exploration Society (EES). It will take place in September 25–29, 2016 in the Mummification Museum, Luxor. The Organizing committee: Elena Pischikova (Director of the SACP), Julia Budka (SACP), Kenneth Griffin (SACP), John Billman (SACP), Shaaban Abd el-Gawad (MoA), Nashwa Gaber (MoA), Essam Nagy(EES). To register for the 2016 conference and for information on the first conference (2012) and its proceedings visit our website

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