Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Experts Doubt Claims of 'Hidden Chambers' in King Tut's Tomb

Imagine my surprise.

Experts Doubt Claims of 'Hidden Chambers' in King Tut's Tomb

King Tut ruled Egypt between roughly 1343 B.C. and 1323 B.C.
Credit: Kathie Nichols /

Radar experts are casting doubt on claims that King Tutankhamun's tomb contains hidden, undiscovered chambers — and they're calling for more data to be released.

At a March 17 newsconference, officials at Egypt's antiquities ministry released radar data that they said showed the presence of hidden cavities inside the tomb of King Tut. The scans, carried out by Japanese radar technologist Hirokatsu Watanabe, "suggest the presence of two empty spaces or cavities beyond the decorated North and West walls of the burial chamber," they said in a statement. The scans also suggest the "presence of metallic and organic substances," and show what could be door lintels that indicate the presence of doorways, they said.

Egyptologist Nicholas Reeves, Director of the Amarna Royal Tombs Project, said the cavities may contain the burial of Tutankhamun's stepmom, Queen Nefertiti. [See Photos of King Tut's Burial and Radar Scans]