Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Egypt: Cabinet to appoint ten new ministers - Source - politics - News - StarAfrica.com


Egypt: Cabinet to appoint ten new ministers – Source

Ten new ministers in Egypt are to appointed and sworn-in on Tuesday in the aftermath of an expected reshuffle in Sherif Ismail’s Cabinet, days before parliament is scheduled to decide on the government’s platform, according to a highly placed government source on Monday.Consultations have been taking place throughout Monday to appoint the new ministers of Investment, Health, Irrigation, Justice, Finance, Tourism, Antiquities, Education, Environment and Transport.

The government is also mulling the revival of the Information Ministry, which was scrapped following the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed government of Mohammed Morsi in 2013, according to the source.

He added that a merger of the Finance and Planning ministries is also on the cards, while the Administrative Development Ministry may come into being.

Ismail took over as prime minister in September following a reshuffle against the backdrop of a corruption scandal involving Mehleb’s Agriculture minister, Salah Helal.

The Egyptian government is expected to brief parliament on its action plan for the coming period on March 27.

If the plan is rejected by parliament, it will be entitled to nominate a new government head to form a new cabinet.

Signature : APA

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