Friday, March 25, 2016

CairoChecklist 2.2014.pdf - Google Drive

For the below-mentioned checklist, please follow the link. Glenn

A Checklist of the Egyptian Museum's Unpublished Greek Papyri
Usama Gad

During the past two decades, papyrologists trying to keep track of publications of the papyri in the
Egyptian Museum in Cairo listed in Grenfell and Hunt’s 1903 volume of the Catalogue Général des
Antiquités Égyptiennes du Musée du Caire have been well served by published concordances, first by
the concordance provided by the authors themselves, Index I. Bibliography, pp. 111-112, then by K. A.
Worp, “Die veröffentlichten P.Cair.: Eine Konkordanz,” ZPE 91 (1992) 95-98, and finally by addenda
by A. Martin und G. Nachtergael in CdE 72 (1997) 305f. An adapted version of this concordance list
can be consulted online;1 in this one can find all the numbers that have appeared in BAC until volume
26 (2009).

No such help has been readily available for the still-unpublished papyri of that volume. Since the
AIP’s International Photographic Archive of Papyri has photographs of about 4600 papyri of the
Egyptian Museum2 and it is available to all papyrologist worldwide, it can easily happen that the same
papyrus text is edited by more than one scholar at a time. Moreover, because the papyri in P.Cair.Cat.
have served as a major source of unpublished papyri for Egyptian students, it has happened that an
Egyptian M.A. or Ph.D. thesis has included a papyrus simultaneously edited by an international
papyrologist, or that the publication of a papyrus text escapes the notice of the national editor of the
same papyrus. No doubt these instances are not intentional trespasses on the AIP’s guiding principle of
Amicitia Papyrologorum.3 This checklist is intended to help colleagues to avoid such unintentional
duplication of effort in the future, and it is hoped that it can be updated and corrected regularly.

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