Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Antiquities Minister inspects restored Zahir Baybars Mosque | Cairo Post


Antiquities Minister inspects restored Zahir Baybars Mosque

Antiquities Minister inspects restored Zahir Baybars Mosque

CAIRO: Antiquities Minister Mamdouh el-Damaty inspected the Mosque of al-Zahir which is currently under restoration, the ministry announced on its Facebook page Monday.

Antiquities Minister inspects restored Zahir Baybars Mosque – Courtesy of Antiquities ministry Face book page


Damaty was accompanied by Dr. Mustafa Amin, the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities and the engineer and Said Helmy, the president of the Islamic and Coptic monuments in the ministry, and Ahmed Mutawa, Director of Islamic and Coptic monuments management sector.

Antiquities Minister inspects restored Zahir Baybars Mosque – Courtesy of Antiquities ministry Face book page


The Standing Committee of Islamic Archaeology received approval in February to use clay brick in the construction of the pillars of the mosque, which is the closest thing to the materials used to create the original mosque, Damaty noted.

The minister also ordered the restoration of the Sakakini Palace.

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