Thursday, March 3, 2016

Archaeological Discoveries and Restoration Works at Karnak

Ministry of Antiquities
Press Office
Archaeological Discoveries and Restoration Works at Karnak
The French-Egyptian Center for the study of the Temples of Karnak declared through a report presented to the Ministry of Antiquities that its main discovery in 2015 season was a favissa full of statues and objects dating from the Late Period… stated Dr. Eldamaty, Minister of Antiquities.
The conservation and restoration works in the “Northern storerooms” of Tuthmosis III also are mostly finished and this area will be opened soon to visitors. The report also stated that the chapel of tuthmosis III in the Open Air Museum was reconstructed and its huge ceiling blocks were recovered and that the final cleaning will be done in 2016 and the chapel will be opened to visitors.
Eldamaty clarified that the work of the Center in 2015 mostly took place on schedule in accordance with the four years programme 2013-2016 and the decisions of the Scientific Committee which took place in January 2014. Eldamaty added that the epigraphic programme continued at the 8th pylon and at the Philipp Arrhidaeus’ bark-shrine the work is now finished at the field.
On the other hand, Dr. Hesham Elleithy, Director General of the M.A Documentation Center added that in 2015, the Karnak project reached 3.000 hieroglyphic inscriptions of the Temple of Karnak accessible online, within the framework of the online edition of all hieroglyphic texts from Karnak ( the Karnak Project) that started in January 2013. In addition to this, the Cahiers de Karnak 15 has been sent to the M.A Press at Zamalek for publication. The two first volumes of the Ptah Temple were published by IFAO.
© Ministry of Antiquities, Press Office
Wrote Asmaa Mostafa, based on the French-Egyptian Center’s Report.
Translated by: Eman Hossni

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