Thursday, February 11, 2016

Reminder: Northern Cal. Egyptology Lecture This Sunday: "A Nubian Walked into a Christian Bar at Philae and Asked..."

Please come enjoy this Valentine's Day lecture from one of our favorite speakers.




The Northern California Chapter of the American Research Center in Egypt; the Department of Near Eastern Studies, UC Berkeley; and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, UC Berkeley, are sponsoring the following lecture:

"A Nubian Walked into a Christian Bar at Philae and Asked..."

By Dr. Eugene Cruz-Uribe
Indiana University East

WHEN: 2:30 p.m. Sunday, February 14, 2016
WHERE: Barrows Hall, Room 20, Barrow Lane and Bancroft Way, UC Berkeley
There is no admission, but donations are welcomed.

What can the ancient graffiti at Philae in Aswan tell us about how different groups interacted as Egypt began to Christianize?  Dr. Cruz-Uribe will discuss the Christian versus Nubian graffiti to give a sense of what the different groups were dealing with during this process, based on his studies in the Isis Temple on Philae, where he has looked at the nature of ancient graffiti, especially his favorite: Demotic graffiti.

Eugene Cruz-Uribe was born and raised in Green Bay, Wisconsin and received his BA, MA and PhD in Egyptology from the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago.  His dissertation was a study of Demotic legal contracts from the Saite and Persian periods in Egypt.  He worked as a lecturer at the Field Museum in Chicago and as a curator at the Seattle Art Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art during the Treasures of Tutankhamun exhibit during the later 1970s.  He was an Assistant Professor in the Egyptology Department at Brown University before he went to Northern Arizona University, where he held a number of administrative and teaching positions and where he is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of History.  He also taught Global History at California State University - Monterey Bay.  He was the recipient of a Fulbright Research Fellowship in 2007 to continue his studies in Egypt.  In July 2008 he became the editor of the Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, the principal journal for Egyptology research in the US.  Currently he is Professor of History at Indiana University East. 

He is the author of 6 books, more than  60 articles, and 40 book reviews, dealing with all periods of Egyptian history and culture, with an emphasis on the Demotic stage of the ancient Egyptian language and the history and religion of the Late Period in Egypt. He has conducted a number of field research projects in Egypt, working in Kharga Oasis in the western desert, and throughout the Nile Valley. For the last fifteen years he has been recording and translating ancient Egyptian graffiti for what they reveal about personal piety, late period religious practices and pilgrimage.


Go to or send email to Chapter President Al Berens at


Glenn Meyer
Publicity Director
Northern California ARCE



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