Sunday, February 7, 2016

Reminder: Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs Course - Begins Feb. 20 | UC Berkeley Extension

One more reminder:

If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, and would like to take your first
hieroglyphs course, or just brush the cobwebs from your previous study, you
have an opportunity to do that through UC Berkeley Extension. Dr. Teresa
Moore is teaching introductory Egyptian Hieroglyphs this coming semester.
The following is the announcement from the on-line version of the UC
Berkeley Extension catalog for Spring 2016.

Sign up! You won't regret learning hieroglyphs from the teacher whose
courses brought together the founders of the Northern California Chapter,
American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE-NC).



Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs ANTHRO X402

Course Description

Gain familiarity with the most common hieroglyphic signs and their elementary grammar using a textbook based on "The Shipwrecked Sailor," a 4,000-year-old tale of adventure and magic. You relate these language exercises to Egyptian history and religion. Get an introduction to royal and divine names frequently encountered by travelers and museum visitors. Study the simple formulae likely to be seen on funerary objects on exhibit. Each class session includes discussion and recitation, and concludes with a brief slide lecture highlighting some aspect of writing and literature in ancient Egypt.


ANTHRO X402 - 002 Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs
2015-2016 - Spring 2016
Instructors: Teresa Moore
Date/Time: Sat 10:00AM - 1:00PM
20 Feb 2016 to 30 Apr 2016
Building: Wheeler Hall
Room: Classroom 24
Location: Berkeley Campus

No meeting on April 16.

  • Delivery Options: Classroom
  • Number of Meetings: 10
  • Instructional Hours: 30.0
  • Available for Credit: 2 semester units
  • Course Fee(s): Course Fee credit (2 units) $575.00
Section Materials:
(Mandatory) Middle Egyptian Grammar
Distributor: ISBN: 9780920168127
Publisher: Benben Publications
Author: James Hoch
Copyright 1997
(Mandatory) Middle Egyptian Grammar: Sign List
Distributor: ISBN: 9780920168141
Publisher: Benben Publications
Author: James Hoch
Copyright 1998
Section Notes:Enroll early to secure your place in the class.  You must enroll before the second meeting.

Teresa Moore

Teresa Moore, Ph.D., teaches UC Berkeley Extension courses in ancient-Egyptian history, language and culture, along with additional topics related to the ancient Near East. She has taught ancient-Egyptian language at UC Berkeley and received fellowships for research in Egypt.

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