Monday, February 29, 2016

King Tut's Tomb: The Hidden Chamber is a recent documentary from UK's Channel 5. Relax and enjoy :).

From Ellie Rose Elliott

independent researcher, writer and translator

King Tut's Tomb: The Hidden Chamber is a recent documentary from UK's Channel 5. Relax and enjoy :).

Mark Bazeley, with the help of experts like Aidan Dodson and some dramatic recreations of 18th Dynasty Egypt, describes the historical background - the reign of Akhenaten and what happened next - and explains the context of the 'hidden chamber' excitement in the always-recognised-to-be-curiously-small tomb of Tutankhamun. The film highlights the role of the Factum Arte replication of the tomb, which enabled experts to recognise by touch (as they could never have done with the original) a change of texture in the plaster at the point the false door is thought to have been covered over . . .

This film is only available on Facebook. If you can, do sign up. If you can't access Facebook, my apologies. It's not always possible to find a film on YouTube, due to copyright restrictions.

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