Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Fwd: Our Last Days for the Season

iMalqata Blog wrote:
Our Last Days for the Season

Catharine Roehrig

Yesterday was our last day of work at the site. We spent the morning finishing up with drawing small finds, sorting pottery, and overseeing the workmen covering the excavated areas with sand.

Workmen carrying sand to cover the site

Our inspector, Shereen, wanted to have a photograph taken of those of us who are still here, and we took another photo of the excavation crew after the last basket of sand was put in place.

Janice, Diana, Shereen, and Catharine with our spectacular backdrop, the Theban cliffs

Excavation with Diana at the end of the day

Today we took our small finds to the magazine and packed up the equipment for next year. And late yesterday afternoon, they finally got the electricity hooked up for our guard house (upper right in the photo above)!

Catharine, Shereen, and Diana at the Palace

February 3, 2016

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