Friday, February 26, 2016

Currently in the Lab | In the Artifact Lab - Penn Museum

Currently in the Lab

What will you see when you visit the Artifact Lab? There are two areas where you can see objects: on formal display in our exhibition space and behind the glass, being worked on in the lab. Here is a list of what is currently on view:

In the lab:

(this list includes objects that are likely to be visible when visiting the lab, but some may not be visible depending on the day)

  • E3413A: Mummy of Djed-Hapi, location unknown, Ptolemaic (332-31 BCE)
  • E16220A: Mummy of Hapimen, Abydos, Late Period (381-343 BCE). Related blogposts
  • 97-121-114 A-C: Baby boy mummy and coffin, Location unknown, Roman (31 BCE – 395 CE)
  • E2553A: Skeleton of a Man, Deshasheh, Old Kingdom (2500-2350 BCE)
  • E2552: Coffin belonging to man (E2553)
  • E14260: Painted wooden boat model, Sedment, First Intermediate Period (2130-1980 BCE) 
  • Animal mummies, including:
    • 50-17-1: Cat mummy, Late Period (664-332 BCE) 
    • E17631: Crocodile mummy, Fayum, Ptolemaic Period (332-31 BCE) 
    • E12441: Falcon mummy, Abydos, Ptolemaic/Roman (332 BCE – 395 CE) 
    • E12438: Ibis mummy, Abydos, Ptolemaic/Roman (332 BCE – 395 CE) 
    • E12440 A-B: Ibis mummy in coffin, Abydos, Ptolemaic/Roman (332 BCE – 395 CE)
    • E16219: Hapi-puppy, Abydos, Late Period (381-343 BCE) (associated with Hapimen)
  • 31-27-118 A-B: Painted wooden coffin, Meydum, New Kingdom (1539-1292 BCE)
  • E883A,B: Mummy and coffin box of Nespekashuti, location unknown, New Kingdom (1570-1070 BCE). Related blogposts


On exhibit:

  • E521: Crocodile mummy, location unknown, date unknown
  • E2148: Funerary mask, Balansura, Roman Period (100-200 CE)
  • E882D: Funerary Mask of Nefrina, Akhmim, Ptolemaic Period (305-30 BCE). Related blogposts
  • E12444: Falcon mummy, Abydos, date unknown. Related blogposts
  • E17636: Cat mummy, location unknown, date unknown
  • E416: Mummified woman’s head, location unknown, date unknown
  • E16012: Stela of the royal purification priest Sasopedu-iienhab,
    Abydos, Middle Kingdom (1759-1650 BCE)

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