Tuesday, January 5, 2016

[UPDATE] Reports Suggest Next Assassin’s Creed Set In Ancient Egypt, Out In 2017


[UPDATE] Reports Suggest Next Assassin's Creed Set In Ancient Egypt, Out In 2017

Watch Dogs 2 may be released instead.

Kotaku is reporting that Ubisoft will not be releasing a mainline Assassin's Creed game in 2016, giving the developers more time to work on the next outing. Ancient Egypt seems to be the next destination for the game and the codename is apparently Empire. It was apparently Unity's poor reception and number of errors that caused Ubisoft to reconsider the annual release schedule for Assassin's Creed, and a two year gap could become the norm. Of course 2016 isn't without any Assassin's Creed games as both Chronicles titles, set in India & Russia, will be released in the coming months.

There have been separate murmurings of Watch Dogs 2, and Kotaku sources are suggesting that it will be set in San Francisco. 2016 is the rumoured released year for that. Usually rumours are very hit and miss, but with Kotaku's track record in revealing correct information for both Fallout 4 and Assassin's Creed: Syndicate before they were announced gives this report some credence.

UPDATE: This isn't the first time Assassin's Creed has been rumoured to be heading to Egypt, four years ago the same rumour appeared in PSM3 magazine. Going further back to almost six years ago some mysterious Egyptian themed artwork appeared on the UbiWorkshop feed.

At the same time the UbiWorkshop, who "cook new ideas" for the company tweeted they were working on two projects, one of which was not game related, that probably turned out to be the Assassin's Creed movie.

UPDATE 2: Ubisoft have released and official statement, although it's the usual PR waffle. "We can't comment on rumor or speculation. We're always happy when players are excited about our games, past, present and future."

Source: Kotaku

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