Friday, January 1, 2016

Fwd: Script and Pseudo Scripts in Graeco-Roman Egypt -
Alexandra von Lieven Alexandra von Lieven
Freie Universität BerlinÄgyptologisches Seminar, Faculty Member

Script and Pseudo Scripts in Graeco-Roman Egypt

The paper investigates Egyptian "inscriptions" that are more or less unreadable and establishes a typology for them. Type I are hieroglyphic inscriptions made up of text snippets or even senseless pseudo hieroglyphs, type II are rows of uniform signs and type III are empty inscription fields. Examples for each are presented and the context of their production and use are discussed.

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Peuce Journal Peuce Journal
ICEMHistory and Archaeology, Faculty Member

PEUCE SN 13, 2015 - Studii si cercetari de istorie si arheologie

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Monica L. Smith Monica L. Smith
University of California, Los AngelesAnthropology, Faculty Member

Feasts and Their Failures

Archaeologists often interpret the physical evidence for large-scale consumption of food and beverages as the remains of feasts that successfully enhanced personal reputations, consolidated power, or ensured community solidarity. However, ethnographic accounts illustrate the potential for "feast failure": people may or may not contribute, may or may not come to the feast, may or may not be satisfied, and may or may not repay the feast-giver in labor or obeisance. Because they involve so many logistical and material components before, during, and after the event, feasts almost always...

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Université LilleSciences historiques / Archéologie, Faculty Member

Two Collaborative Projects for Coroplastic Research, II. The Work of the Academic Year 2014-2015

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Andrew Monson Andrew Monson
New York UniversityClassics, Faculty Member

Receipts for sitônion, syntaxis, and epistatikon from Karanis: Evidence for Fiscal Reform in Augustan Egypt?

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Leslie Anne Warden Leslie Anne Warden
Roanoke CollegeFine Arts, Faculty Member

"Ceramics and Status at Meidum's Northern Cemetery." MDAIK 69 (2013, published 2015): 227-246

The government of the Egyptian Old Kingdom is often thought to have exhibited strong tendencies towards centralization. The state is seen as the hand guiding economic policies, using taxation to support state activities such as (but not limited to) building. This paper reinvestigates the textual evidence for state-organized taxation in the Old Kingdom, including the Palermo Stone and late Old Kingdom exemption decrees. These documents show that taxation policies evolved from the early to late halves of that period; nowhere, however, does the state appear to rely on taxation as a regular or...

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