Friday, January 29, 2016

Demon Things Conference 2016

Demon Things Conference 2016

demonthings demonology conference poster

at Swansea University and The Egypt Centre, Wales, UK



This international conference explores the range and variation of liminal entities the Ancient Egyptians believed capable of harm and help from the Predynastic through the Coptic periods. While previous demonological conferences focussed on issues related to definitions, we invite scholars to discuss the manifestations of demons through iconography, objects, or textual descriptions. Scholars are encouraged to present their findings in the hopes that the conference will provide a creative venue for spotting links and patterns. By converging different areas of research a fuller picture of these multi-faceted entities may emerge.


The conference is open to all. Events include an optional trip to the magical Gower Peninsula, a special Egypt Centre “Night at the Museum”, cheerful dinners, and more!

Please note the Deadline for Registration and Payment is 15 February, 2016 so please do sign up! (As payments must be made in advance for rooms and catering we are sorry but we cannot offer refunds for cancellations).

A list of speakers so far includes:


To Register for the event, please use either the Registration Form (Word) (please fill out, then mail or email), or the online Registration form. Do be sure to print the form (to a printer or as a PDF file) before hitting the submit button for payment. If you have any trouble, please do not hesitate to contact us!

See the Program of Events (provisional) for more information. Check out the tantalizing abstracts that are being posted every couple of weeks!

Here is a list of Swansea Hotels B&Bs and Accommodation.

Here is information on how to get to Singleton Campus of Swansea University.

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