Friday, December 4, 2015

Pro Academia Prize 2015

Pro Academia Prize 2015

Executive Board of the Pro Academia Prize
has decided to confer the
Pro Academia Prize 2015
Regine C. Schulz
of Hildesheim, Germany,

as the hub of an academic network,
including the following group leaders
representing their respective groups:

Horst Beinlich, Wurzburg; Germany
Marco Bunge, Marburg; Germany
Wendy A. Cheshire, Huntington, New York; U.S.A.
Terry Drayman-Weisser, Baltimore, Maryland; U.S.A.
Michael Helmbrecht / Christoph Schwendy,
Hildesheim; Germany
Friedhelm Hoffmann, Munich; Germany
Richard Jasnow, Baltimore, Maryland; U.S.A.
Andrew Monson, New York; U.S.A.
Wilfried Seipel, Vienna; Austria
Emin Tuncay, Hildesheim; Germany

The Prize was presented at a special ceremony
at the Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum in Hildesheim
on 14 November 2015.
Go to A Small Café for a more detailed description
of the research of the Prize recipients.

From the Prize Assessment

Regine C. Schulz is an eminent archeologist, historian, and linguist with a focus on Egyptology who was and is particularly instrumental in furthering academic exchange between numerous disciplines. She was awarded this year's Prize in recognition of her efforts of bringing together scientists, researchers, and scholars, among them archeologists, conservators, museum specialists, historians, designers, specialists in interactive information technology, and representatives of different religions.

The Prize proposal stressed in particular her project emphasizing "The Emergence of the World: Egypt's Last Creation Myth": For several decades, an international team dedicated their time and expertise to this project. Thus, the list of the co-laureates is international, from Europe and North America.

Professor Schulz is an exemplary central person and linchpin promoting academic collaboration, exchange with, and "cross-fertilization" between, among others, museums, university departments, and the media, as well as scientific cooperation and integration of academic research, exchange, and presentation – in this case the transformation and interpretation of Ancient Egyptian creation myths as models for nature phenomena and existential human and scientific questions and problems.

In a joint effort, the collaborators opened their field to the public, explaining and stimulating interest, deepening understanding, and imparting and conveying cultural and religious background to a broad audience. The final presentation of their work culminated in a major exhibition that was shown in North America and Europe.

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