Friday, December 4, 2015

Fwd: [EEF] Association for Students of Egyptology

-------Forwarded Message------

From: ASE Association for Students of Egyptology <>

The ASE: Association for Students of Egyptology

The ASE aims to create an online network for students of Egyptology
all over the world. This means that using our website, we provide
a platform to meet your colleagues online. When you want to visit
for example Berlin, Leiden, or London, you can look up your
colleagues in the city you are looking for. This is a perfect way
to reach out to your fellow students.
The more colleagues you meet, the better! The ASE also aims to keep
its members in touch of what the students all over the world are
doing using social media. We will also organise one major event
a year.

We build this network with an academic background; not only will
you be able to meet your fellow students, you will also be able
to exchange any kind of research you are working on. If you need
feedback on your research, or simply want to share your findings,
the ASE-website is perfect for this purpose. We are also composing
a 'student council' which will be there for you if you need help
with anything; choosing an MA-topic, finding a thesis-advisor,
or just to brainstorm about where you'd like to proceed your
studies, be it BA- MA- PhD or simply an exchange programme or

Part of our website will be dedicated to giving an overview of
all BA- MA- and PhD-programmes concerning the study of Egyptology
all over the world.
We will also start a database of all current ongoing PhD-programmes
to prevent colleagues from doing the same subject and to encourage
cooperation and communication in the field. We will also make a
list of available PhD-programmes, internships and exchange
programmes, as well as a list of museums housing Egyptian
collections, universities offering an Egyptology degree and an
overview of all institutes considering Egyptology. Our aim is
to facilitate students of Egyptology as well as possible.

Membership is free of costs. If interested, sign up at

For more information, see:



twitter: asegyptology

or send an e-mail to:

Best regards, on behalf of the board of organisation,

Lonneke Delpeut
President of the ASE

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