Monday, December 7, 2015

Ancient Egyptian Sculpture & Works of Art | Sotheby's

Egypt's heritage for sale.  Glenn

Ancient Egyptian Sculpture & Works of Art

| | New Yorkl
Browse Lots
Sale Number: N09438 Lots : 46

Exhibition Times

  • New York

    • Fri, 04 Dec 15 | 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM EST
    • Sat, 05 Dec 15 | 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM EST
    • Sun, 06 Dec 15 | 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM EST
    • Mon, 07 Dec 15 | 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM EST


On December 8, 2015, Sotheby's will present a sale almost exclusively dedicated to ancient Egyptian sculpture and works of art, the first auction of its kind in recent memory.

Highlights include a fine small-scale basalt bust of King Tuthmosis III, an imposing over-lifesize fragmentary red granite head of King Amenhotep III from the last ten years of his reign, and a  monumental granite enthroned figure of the goddess Sekhmet, once the property of John Lennon, and a world record for Egyptian art when first sold at Sotheby's, New York in 1986, when  it was acquired by A. Alfred Taubman.  All three sculptures date to the 18th Dynasty. The sale also includes an elegant  steatite statuette of the Lady Iset , priestess of the god Sobek, dating to the early 19th Dynasty. She is shown seated alone, without her husband at her side, a rare representation for its time. Her tighly fitted pleated garment reveals her silhouette.

Among the funerary works of art are two magnificent masks: a beautifully haunting wood mask with inlaid eyes, once in the collection of Helena Rubinstein, 25th/26th Dynasty, and an imposing limestone mask carved with a serene expression, 30th Dynasty/early Ptolemaic Period. The funerary arts  are also represented by four exceptional  ushabti figures, including one of the finest and best preserved  ushabtis of Neferibresaneith, 26th Dynasty, of which Sotheby's has sold an impressive number of the years.

The sale also includes several beautiful Egyptian necklaces from the DuBois Collection which was formed in the early 20th Century. From outside Egypt come a fine Greek bronze griffin protome,  an impressive Canaanite copper figure of a deity, and a Persian gold belt fragment formerly in the Ernest Erickson collection.  

Contact Information

Dr Florent Heintz
Senior Director, WW Head of Department
Ancient Sculpture and Works of Art
+44 020 7293 5526
Richard M Keresey
International Senior Director
Senior Vice President
+1 212 606 7266

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