Friday, November 20, 2015

See Star Wars, Avengers turned into ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics

See Star Wars, Avengers turned into ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics

Artist Josh Lane's pieces also feature Ghostbusters and Kick-Ass characters.

In a galaxy far, far away, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker had a lightsaber battle in ancient Egypt, as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles offered up pizza to a rat god, and Iron Man and Captain America faced off against each other.

Or so it appears from a new series of images.

Hero-Gyphics: Avengers

Artist Josh Lane has taken contemporary TV shows, comic books and movies and recreated them in the style of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Among those featured are Star WarsKick-AssPower Rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Hero-Glyphics: TMNT

In a post on Design Boom, Lane said: "The ancient Egyptians developed an elegant way to communicate their stories using minimalistic imagery and symbols... I try to do this same thing today.

"I enjoyed placing these modern characters into the poses that fit the character best.

"For example, I felt like Captain Kirk should be the one sitting on the 'throne' as if it were his Captain's chair and that in the X-Men piece I would have Wolverine kneeling before the representation of the most powerful mutant entity, the phoenix."

Hero-Glyphics: Slimed

Another highlight is Lane's recreation of Dr Venkman and Dr Spengler as they fight Slimer atop the Empire State Building.

All the designs are available for T-shirts, tote bags and even pillows.

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