Wednesday, November 25, 2015

‘Massive’ Middle Kingdom wall ruins discovered in Sharqia  | Cairo Post

'Massive' Middle Kingdom wall ruins discovered in Sharqia 

'Massive' Middle Kingdom wall ruins discovered in Sharqia 

CAIRO: The remains of a "massive" wall in the Sharqia governorate have been discovered by a mission of the Austrian Archaeological Institute, the Antiquities Ministry announced Tuesday.

Minister Mamdouh Eldamaty stated that the ruins may be from a previously unknown city, and that "excavation will participate greatly in revealing the secrets of one of the major periods of history because Avaris was one of the largest cities of Egypt, an important harbor town and the capital of the Hyksos in the Second Intermediate Period."

'Massive' Middle Kingdom wall ruins discovered in Sharqia


The area is now covered by agricultural land, he added.

The wall is more than 7 meters wide and at least 500 meters long, is constructed from sandy bricks, and may have been originally situated next to a harbor.

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