Thursday, November 5, 2015

Fwd: A Manual of Ancient Egyptian Pottery

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Subject: A Manual of Ancient Egyptian Pottery
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 2015 16:34:53 GMT
From: Charles Jones

A Manual of Ancient Egyptian Pottery A Manual of Ancient Egyptian Pottery
A manual of Egyptian pottery 1. Fayum A - lower Egyptian culture
By Anna Wodzińska
Boston: Ancient Egypt Research Associates, 2010. Revised First Edition.
ISBN: 978-0-9825544-4-9 (softcover binding)
ISBN: 978-0-9825544-6-3 (spiral binding)
Covers Egyptian pottery, ranging from the earliest (Fayum A) ceramics to pottery made in Egypt today, organised by historical periods. This title illustrates ceramic types with line drawings, accompanied by descriptions that include information on the pot's material, manufacturing techniques, surface treatment and shape

A manual of Egyptian pottery. Vol. 2, Naqada III-Middle Kingdom
By Anna Wodzińska
Boston: Ancient Egypt Research Associates, 2010. Revised First Edition.
ISBN: 978-0-9825544-5-6 (softcover binding)
ISBN: 978-0-9825544-7-0 (spiral binding)
This is the second volume in a four-book set covering all Egyptian pottery, ranging from the earliest (Fayum A) ceramics to modern pottery made in Egypt today, organized by historical periods. The manuals are quick identification guides as well as starting points for more extensive research

A Manual of Egyptian pottery. / Volume 3, Second Intermediate period - Late period 
By Anna Wodzińska
Boston: Ancient Egypt Research Associates, 2010.
ISBN: 978-0-9825544-0-1 (softcover binding)
ISBN: 978-0-9825544-1-8 (spiral binding)
This is the third volume in a four-book set covering all Egyptian pottery, ranging from the earliest (Fayum A) ceramics to pottery made in Egypt today, organized by historical periods. The manuals are quick identification guides as well as starting points for more extensive research.
A manual of Egyptian pottery. / Volume 4, Ptolemaic period - modern
By Anna Wodzińska
Boston: Ancient Egypt Research Associates, 2010. ISBN: 978-0-9825544-2-5 (softcover binding) ISBN: 978-0-9825544-3-2 (spiral binding)
This is the fourth volume in a four-book set covering all Egyptian pottery, ranging from the earliest (Fayum A) ceramics to pottery made in Egypt today, organized by historical periods. The manuals are quick identification guides as well as starting points for more extensive research.

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