Friday, November 20, 2015

France reopens ‘Egypt’s Sunken Treasures’ exhibit after 3-day hiatus | Cairo Post

France reopens 'Egypt's Sunken Treasures' exhibit after 3-day hiatus

Logo of "Egypt's Sunken Treasures" exhibit. Courtesy of Arab World Institute in Paris.

CAIRO: French authorities reopened Friday 'Egypt's Sunken Treasures' exhibit after three days of hiatus following Paris series of coordinated terrorist attacks, Youm7 reported.

"The exhibit was reopened Friday amid tight security measures surrounding the Arab World Institute in Paris which hosts the exhibit," Elham Salah, head of the Museums Section at Egypt's Antiquities Minister told Youm7 Friday.

The exhibit, which was inaugurated by French President Francois Holland Sep. 8, was suspended "over security reasons" a day after the Paris attack that killed at least 130 people and injured other 300.

"A total of 250 carefully selected artifacts, excavated by the European Institute for Underwater Archaeology (EIUA) in the ruins of ancient Alexandria's legendary cities of Thonis-Heracleion and Canopus are on display," director of the Antiquities Ministry's underwater archaeology department Mohamed Mostafa told The Cairo Post in September.

According to an agreement signed between the EIUA and Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), the EIAU will pay the SCA 600,000 euro ($720,000), with an extra euro per visitor when the number of visitors exceeds 100,000.

Additional reporting by Ahmed Mansour

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