Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Antiquities ministry protects monasteries of Wadi El-Natroun from rain storms - Ancient Egypt - Heritage - Ahram Online

Antiquities ministry protects monasteries of Wadi El-Natroun from rain storms
Nevine El-Aref, , Thursday 5 Nov 2015
The monasteries of Saint Macarius and Saint Pishoy are still in a well-preserved condition and are safe after the rain

The Minister of Antiquities on Thursday assigned an archaeological committee from the Coptic and Islamic Antiquities Department to take all the necessary procedures to protect archaeological sites in Wadi El-Natroun from flooding.

On Wednesday Mohamed Abdel Latif, head of the Islamic and Coptic Antiquities Department, told Ahram Online that the heavy rain that hit the country yesterday had a negative impact on Coptic Monasteries in the Wadi El-Natroun area.

He continued to say that the dome that covered the ceiling on the side chamber neighbouring the Virgin Church at Deir Al-Surian fell down. This dome, Abdel Latif asserted, does not have any decoration, adding that the rest of the monastery and its side buildings, such as churches, the tours, and the monks’ cells are in a well-preserved condition and were not affected by the rain.

Abdel-Latif went on to say that the monasteries of Saint Macarius and Saint Pishoy are also still in a well-preserved condition and are safe. However, water leaked inside the church of Baramos monastery though it has been pumped out. He added that the walls are still wet.

Water also leaked inside some archaeological sites in Alexandria and Rosetta as well as in north and south Sinai but has been pumped out from all the sites.

Abdel Latif pointed out that the committee would take all the necessary procedures to protect the archaeological sites from the leakage of water as well as develop them so they are not threated by bad weather in the future.


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