Thursday, October 8, 2015

Self Improvement: The Curious Phenomenon of animal mummies in Ancient Egypt - ABC Sydney - Australian Broadcasting Corporation
7 October, 2015 5:52PM AEDT

Self Improvement: The Curious Phenomenon of animal mummies in Ancient Egypt

Are you one of our regular students for Self Improvement Wednesday? Each week, you get to learn something new.

Your lesson this week is the curious phenomenon of animal mummies in Ancient Egypt.

The practice of human mummification is one of the most distinctive features of ancient Egyptian culture. Less well-known is the fact that Egyptians mummified animals as well. By about 600 BC, a whole 'manufacturing' complex had developed which saw animals mummified in their thousands.

Your teacher is Dr Karin Sowada, Honorary Associate at the Department of Ancient History at Macquarie University.

Take a listen to the lesson by clicking the following URL. You can also subscribe to the weekly podcast by searching for Self Improvement in your podcast store.

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