Sunday, October 18, 2015 TOP PAPERS FROM YOUR NEWSFEED

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Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 05:48:29 +0000
From: Weekly Digest

Sebastián Maydana Sebastián Maydana
Universidad de Buenos AiresFacultad de Filosofía y Letras, Graduate Student
Hawk and hippopotamus are powerful metaphors, and in the dialectics of their strife they reveal a much more complex character than the commonly named “chaos versus order”. Hippopotamus, as an amphibious being, represents chaos and the hawk, royal and uranic, represents order (mAat). They stand for water and air, chaos and order, red (ḏsrt) and black (kmt), colors of the desert and of the valley ground. Their opposition appears now as a primeval rivalry, since it existed prior to Egyptian history and survived after it was no more. Symbols do not vanish, for they speak of the...
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Michael E. Smith Michael E. Smith
Arizona State UniversitySchool of Human Evolution and Social Change, Faculty Member
Smith, Michael E. (1992) Braudel's Temporal Rhythms and Chronology Theory in Archaeology. In Annales, Archaeology, and Ethnohistory, edited by A. Bernard Knapp, pp. 23-34. Cambridge University Press, New York.
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Karine GADRE Karine GADRE
Université Paul Sabatier de ToulouseEarth and Planetary Sciences (OMP), Adjunct
In ancient Egypt, the successive risings or transits of stars in the night or twilight sky were used to tell the hours of the night. These stars whose yearly period of invisibility was then close to seventy days are today termed as decanal since their heliacal rising occurred at ten days interval each. Their hieroglyphic names appear on the interior lid of wooden sarcophagi, on the external surface of water clocks, on the ceiling of temples and tombs dating from the First Intermediate Period to the Roman era. Every one of these vestiges makes up an archaeological database whose completion...
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Joachim Quack Joachim Quack
University of HeidelbergÄgyptologisches Institut, Faculty Member
The funerary papyrus BN 149 has long been known to contain mainly a Demotic translation of the Book of the Dead, chapter 125. Recently, its first section was identified as a translation of a composition otherwise sometimes associated with the so-called ‘Book of Traversing Eternity’. Still, the description of a vignette and a short text inserted into chapter 125 have, up to now, defied identification. It is shown here that the latter is a Demotic translation of chapter 128 of the Book of the Dead, with substantial omissions, which are probably the work of a redactor who wished to fit the...
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