Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Pyramid Texts Online - Language Tools

Language tools for pretty much any student of Egyptian hieroglyphs. Glenn


Gardiner's Sign list

MdC Chart

Tools to help you study the Pyramid Texts online:

Complete English Translation of the Unas Pyramid Texts - Pyramid Texts Online
Complete Hieroglyphs of the Unas Pyramid - Pyramid Texts Online
Pyramid Texts Translation only - Samuel A.B. Mercer
Pyramid Texts Hieroglyphs only - Kurt Sethe
Les Inscriptions des Pyramides de Saqqarah - Gaston Maspero (25.8mb pdf)
Les Textes des Pyramides Egyptiennes - Louis Speleers (21.3mb pdf)

Charts and Signlists:

Hieroglyph/Manuel de Codage chart - Pyramid Texts Online
The Beinlich Wordlist - Nigel Strudwick
Rosette Catalog V 2.2 - Projet Rosette
Searchable Beinlich Wordlist - Paul Sciortino
Gardiner's Sign list - Jim Loy
Gardiner's Sign list - Brian Yare
Gardiner's Sign List - Wikipedia
Faulkner Sign index - Marc Line
Aegyptus Character List

Hieratic palaeography - Moeller
Hieroglyphic Stroke Order - Jenny Carrington
Ancient Egyptian Calligraphy - Henry George Ficsher (10mb pdf)

Flash Cards:

Hieroglyphic Flash Cards - Plan Zero
Computerized Hieroglyphic Flash Cards - Luca Brigatti
Hiero Flash Card
Make your own Flash Cards with Anki

Flash Cards for Kamrin - Vincent Brown
Test yourself & memorise the Hieroglyphic Biliterals


Dictionary of Middle Egyptian in Gardiner code - Paul Dickson (18.4mb)
Hieroglyphic Dictionary - Jim Loy
Middle Egyptian Dictionary - Mark Vygus (11mb - updated April 2015)
Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary - Wallis Budge Vol. 1, Vol. 2.
Hieroglyphic Dictionary - Paul Sciortino
Rosette Dictionary V2.1 - Project Rosette
Dictionary of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs - Simon Hayter (2.9mb updated January 2010)
Worterbuch - Egyptology.ru
Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae
Eglyptionary - Saint Simian
GlyphStudy Open Source Project
Demotic Dictionary - Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago

Online Editors:

HieroWriter - Hieroglyphs.net
WikiHiero - Guillaume Blanchard (Aoineko)

Download Hieroglyph Software:

JSesh Hieroglyphic Editor - Serge Rosmorduc
Open Glyph Hieroglyph database
HieroEditor - Mike (rogerrabt)
SVG GlyphWriter
AELalign - Mark-Jan Nederhof
Hierowords - Luca Brigatti
Hieroglyphic Dictionary for iPhone and iPod

An extra 6724 fonts for GlyphBasic
Fonts - Terry Donnelly
The Egyptian transliteration font used by Glyph for Windows
Egyptian transliteration font used for MacScribe
Trlit_CG Times - Transliteration font for Mac & Windows
Greek, Coptic, & Demotic - Trismegistos
Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts


Links to Egyptological Language - Michel Malfliet
Audio of the Shipwrecked Sailor - Orlando Mezzabotta
Audio of the Kamose Stele - Orlando Mezzabotta
Audio and Video of the Tale of Sinue - Orlando Mezzabotta
Audio, Video & text of the Westcar Papyrus: Chepren's Tale - Orlando Mezzabotta
Audio, Video & text of the Westcar Papyrus: Buafra's Tale - Orlando Mezzabotta
Audio, Video & text of the The Teaching of King Amenemhat I to his son Senwosret - Orlando Mezzabotta

Additional Resources:

A Guide to Egyptian Demotic Grammar - Leonardo Vieira
Middle Egyptian Grammar - Dr. Gabor Toth, Rutgers University
St Andrews Corpus of Texts

Keys to Exercises:
Egyptian Grammar - Alan Gardiner
Middle Egyptian Grammar - James Hoch
Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs - James Allen

Word List
Jim Loy's resources
Mark-Jan Nederhof's resources
Michele Moglia's resources

Hieroglyphic Resources for the Mac
Egyptological Computing Resources - A list of Egyptological computing developments, arranged chronologically from 1985 - 2001.

Your Support

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