Sunday, September 13, 2015

New IAE Presidency and Council

New IAE Presidency and Council 


Prior to the XIth International Congress of Egyptologists in Florence, all professional and honorary members of the IAE had been called upon to elect a new Presidency and Council. The following colleagues have accepted their election for the four year term of office from August 2015 until the next congress in 2019:

Dr. Christopher Naunton (Egypt Exploration Society London)

Professor Dr. Laure Pantalacci (Université de Lyon)

General Secretary:
Professor Dr. Ursula Verhoeven (Universität Mainz)

Members of the Council as National Representatives:
• Bárta, Professor Dr. Miroslav (Czech Republic)
• Chauvet, Dr. Violaine (UK)
• Coulon, Dr. Laurent (France)
• David, Dr. Arlette (Israel)
• El-Aguizy , Dr. Ola (Arab Republic of Egypt)
• El-Leithy, Dr. Hisham (Arab Republic of Egypt)
• Jenni, Professor Dr. Hanna (Switzerland)
• Jiménez-Serrano, Dr. Alejandro (Spain)
• Köhler, Professor Dr. E. Christiana (Austria)
• Liptay, Dr. Éva (Hungaria)
• Niwinski, Professor Dr. Andrzej (Poland)
• Piacentini, Professor Dr. Patrizia (Italy)
• Ryholt, Dr. Kim (Scandinavian countries)
• Saleh, Dr. Mohamed (Arab Republic of Egypt)
• Schulz, Professor Dr. Regine (Germany)
• Shirley, Dr. J.J. (USA)
• Staring, Nico, MA (The Netherlands)
• Willems, Professor Dr. Harco (Belgium)

Ex officio (yet to be completed):
• Eldamaty, Professor Dr. Mamdouh (Minister of Antiquities and Heritage of Egypt)
• Bavay, Prof. Dr. Laurent (Directeur de l'IFAO Caire)
• Belova, Professor Dr. Galina A. (Russian Institute of Egyptology in Cairo)
• Meyer, Dr. Marleen de (Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo)
• Pieke, Dr. Gabriele (Secretary General of CIPEG)
• Pilgrim, Dr. Cornelius von (Director of Swiss Institute Cairo)
• Seidlmayer, Prof. Dr. Stephan J. (Direktor des DAI Kairo)
• NN (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology)

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