Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mexican FM, victims’ family travel to Egypt

Mexican FM, victims' family travel to Egypt


Egypt's army spokesperson declined to comment and said only to refer to the interior ministry statement.

The minister is accompanied by relatives of some of the victims, as well as Mexican physicians and police experts, Egyptian officials said.

Speaking Sunday, Massieu said the vehicles came under "an aerial attack with bombs launched from an airplane and helicopters".

The head of consular protection says that the number of Mexicans killed in the attack may rise to eight.

Her ministry delivered a diplomatic observe to the Egyptian ambassador through which the Mexican authorities expressed its "deep dismay over these deplorable occasions" and demanded an investigation.

Jorge Alvarez Fuentes, Mexico's ambassador to Egypt, and consular representatives were at the Dar el-Fouad Hospital in suburban Cairo, and Alvarez had interviewed five survivors, the Foreign Ministry statement said. It revised its death toll after studying the remains of six victims who had been unaccounted for. "You don't take that which is not yours". Kirby told a daily briefing, "We've seen reports that potentially a USA citizen was injured". Our embassy is reaching out and making the appropriate inquiries.

Speaking to a local radio station in Mexico, Araceli Rangel Davalos, aunt of the demised tourist Rafael Bejarano, defended that the group stalled in a permitted area. She claimed to know the group's guide who was an Egyptology expert named Nabil Altawami.

Amr Imam, a cousin of another of the dead tour guides, Awad Fathi, 41, who also managed a nearby eco-lodge, said authorities had tried to suppress news of the incident until he posted details on social media. The convoy was taking part in an unapproved safari, he said. In the wake of the erroneous attack, they were able to slip away to fight again another day. They were in a permitted area. On this occasion, they didn't stay to camp because that was what was not permitted.

The foreign minister says everyone in Mexico is "very concerned" and "very indignant about the incident". They mistook the convoy for the militants and attacked.

"Throughout decades, specifically during the past ten years, we have lost so many innocent people who were killed by the brutal terrorists", Shourky said in the letter that is expected to be published in a main Mexican newspaper on Wednesday 16/9/2015.

Egyptian army representatives have no comment. The reaction of many tourists actually already in the country or shortly to arrive, appears to have been that they intend to go ahead with their visits. With that advice in place, insurance companies refused to continue covering package tours.

We hold the military junta fully responsible for this crime, and hope the Government of Mexico will support the struggle of our people in its Revolution in Egypt until Egypt is once again a safe, stable, dignified and generous homeland. "I strongly condemn the lack of coordination between the ministry of tourism, in not following up with the events, and the police".

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