Wednesday, September 2, 2015

MEKETREpository - new Upload platform

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Subject: [EEF] MEKETREpository - new Upload platform
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2015 23:35:08 +0200
From: A.K. Eyma

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From: Claus Jurman <>

On the occasion of the 11th International Congress of Egyptologists
(ICE XI) at Florence the Meketre team of the University of Vienna
has launched a new online platform called Upload Meketre, which
enables colleagues and the interested public to share their images
of Middle Kingdom tomb reliefs and paintings. By uploading
previously unpublished images from private and institutional
archives users can help to enlarge the corpus of high quality
images freely available online at the MEKETREpository.

To contribute, go to

< >

For learning more about the aims of the Meketre project and
accessing the MEKETREpository, visit

< >

The new platform was introduced to the Egyptological community
in the e-gyptology section of the ICE XI with the paper “Crowd
sourcing in Egyptology – Images and Annotations of Middle
Kingdom private tombs” by Peter Kalchgruber und Lubica Hudáková.


< >

See also the poster presented at the ICE XI:

< > 

Meketre team
Institute for Egyptology
University of Vienna
Franz-Klein-Gasse 1
1190 Vienna
contact email:

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