Saturday, September 19, 2015

Curatorial Research Fellowship at the Metropolitan Museum

Curatorial Research Fellowship

Two fellowship positions funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation provide scholarly support for the Museum's curatorial program through focused art-historical research and cataloguing of the permanent collection. The fellows work with a curatorial mentor to learn best practices in cataloguing, with the goal of presenting full catalogue information for selected object records of their host department. This involves research on issues of authentication, dating, provenance, exhibition history, and bibliography. The fellow also transfers all paper-based records for the selected group of objects to The Museum System (TMS) collections-management database for integration on the Museum's website. Fellows are encouraged to contribute to the creation of online tools for communicating their collections research. They also work with conservators, scientists, educators, Digital Media Department staff, and other professionals during their tenure. The fellows are fully integrated into the community of fellows and, through weekly gatherings and workshops, take part in research sharing and workshops that explore the inner workings of the Met.
  • Individuals who hold a doctoral degree (or international equivalent) in art history or archaeology which was conferred within five years from the start date of the fellowship (between September 1, 2011, and September 1, 2016) are eligible to apply.
Fellowship Projects
  • Department of Arms and Armor: To catalogue the collection of equestrian equipment, including bits, muzzles, spurs, stirrups, saddles, and horse trappings. The fellow will research the objects and resolve issues of authentication, attribution, and dating, and compile information on provenance, exhibition history, and bibliography.
  • Department of the Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas: To catalogue the collection of Andean metals in preparation for an exhibition on the development of metallurgy in the ancient Americas and in order to prepare this body of material for a planned reinstallation of the permanent collection.
  • Department of Ancient Near Eastern Art: To research objects that entered the collection through archaeological excavations supported by the Metropolitan Museum in order to enrich existing object records. The fellow will also evaluate archival materials related to these excavations to better integrate this material into the cataloguing process.
  • Department of Drawings and Prints: To catalogue a large and important collection of twentieth-century Latin American (primarily Mexican) prints and posters.
  • Department of Egyptian Art: To catalogue over four thousand scarabs in the collection in order to make these objects more available to the public and to curators considering their use and meaning in exhibitions and installations.
Fellowship Term
  • This position begins in September 2016. The position is for one year and is renewable for a second year.
  • Annual salary is $54,636, plus fringe benefits and a $6,000 research travel allowance.
  • Each Curatorial Research Fellow is a temporary full-time exempt employee of The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Deadline for all application materials, including transcripts and letters of recommendation:
October 16, 2015, 5:00 p.m. (ET)

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