Saturday, September 19, 2015

Birmingham Symposium 2016 - Ancient Egypt: Looking Out and Looking In

Symposium 2016

Ancient Egypt:
Looking Out and Looking In
3rd Annual Birmingham Egyptology Symposium
19th February 2016
We invite abstract submissions from postgraduates and independent researchers pertaining to the individual’s interpretation of the above theme, which can include, but is not limited to, the reception and/or perception of Ancient Egypt by other cultures, both ancient modern.
Presentations may take the form of:
a 20-minute paper AND/OR an A0 research poster

-max. 300 words, to be submitted by Friday 30th October at 5pm to
-Confirmation of the decision will be emailed by Friday 20th November

Following the Symposium, presenters will be invited to submit their papers or posters as articles to be considered for publication in Birmingham Egyptology journal.
NB Presenters must make their own arrangements for transportation of posters, when applicable.

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