Saturday, August 22, 2015

Egyptian Chronicles: #ShubraBombing : And Mohamed Ali Palace is another victim

Friday, August 21, 2015

#ShubraBombing : And Mohamed Ali Palace is another victim

As soon as the news came that the National security aka State security building in Shubra El-Kheima city was bombed , Heritage activist Sally Soliman was worried about one thing “ Mohamed Ali Palace of Shubra” which is two blocks away from the security building.
The explosion sound reached as far as to Cairo and Giza so you can imagine what it can do to a nearby old Palace that needs to be saved in the first place.
As you can see the palace after the bombing from the official photos published by the ministry of antiquities, there was  damage in the place.

According to the minister of the antiquities who visited the location on Thursday, two buildings inside the palace were badly damaged. The two buildings are “The fountain” and “The Gabalaya” building.
Here are more photos from Ahram Arabic News website. 

The photos above are reportedly from the Fountain Building.
Not less than 21 glass windows in the palace were smashed and new cracks appeared in the walls.
I am not surprised because there were lots of talks and complaints about the restoration of the Palace and the Construction company assigned to do it.
This palace already was badly renovated by the Wadi El-Nil Construction Co. in the past and archeologists feared a disaster to happen there !!
Shall we ask Italian or French or Turkish help in restoring that fantastic palace?  

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