Tuesday, August 18, 2015

[EEF] Call for papers : Egyptian-Coptic Linguistics in Comparative Perspectives (Crossroads: Whence and Whither?, Berlin, Feb. 2016)

[EEF] Call for papers : Egyptian-Coptic Linguistics in Comparative Perspectives (Crossroads: Whence and Whither?, Berlin, Feb. 2016)

--------Forwarded Message-------

From: Daniel Werning <daniel.werning@topoi.org>

Call for Papers
- Egyptian-Coptic Linguistics in Comparative Perspectives -

The organizing committee would like to announce a call for papers
for a *conference on Egyptian-Coptic linguistics* (Crossroad(s) V)
which will take place in Berlin (Germany) between *February 17–20,
2016* (Wed evening-Sat noon). The conference will be organized
jointly by the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the Freie Universität,
the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, and the
Excellence Cluster “Topoi”.

Topics from the whole area of Egyptian-Coptic linguistics and from
other ancient languages in a comparative perspective are welcome.
In the spirit of the Berlin Excellence Cluster “Topoi. The Formation
and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilizations”,
however, we especially encourage contributions on spatial language
(e.g., space-related grams and constructions, deixis, or spatial
frames of reference).

The opening lecture will be presented on Wednesday, 17 February,
evening by Martin Haspelmath.

We invite *abstracts* of up to 500 words, plus an informative
title, your e-mail address, your current academic status and
affiliation. Time slots for papers will be 45 minutes (30/35
minutes plus 15/10 min discussion). Papers should be delivered
in English, or else German or French.

We explicitly encourage doctoral students and young postdoctoral
researchers to suggest a paper.
In case you have no funding from university, we offer *stipends*
to reimburse travel expenses and accommodation for up to three
presenting scholars. Please indicate whether you want to apply
for a stipend.

Please submit your *abstract until October 25, 2015* in a separate
file by email to crossroads.berlin2016@gmail.com. A notification
as to the acceptance of the paper (and, if applicable, stipends)
will be sent to the authors by the middle of November. The
abstracts of accepted papers will be put on the conference

<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.archaeologie.hu-2Dberlin.de_crossroads&d=AwIDaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=opcsBFeNOGibikhitrWp_vvUpAwW-hA4UeIW8Ekh45I&m=U4ryM3lr1Evbraze2PU9AZ-aTY--9SGHLcE1zcfBk0w&s=REhbSaRZvpVp9W-kOB0ihp3XM0douq7hXjCAmxUbwZ4&e= >

where also up-to-date information on the conference schedule,
conference venues, and travel information will be provided.

We are looking forward to your proposals,


Daniel Werning (EXC Topoi, HU Berlin)
Frank Kammerzell (HU Berlin)
Tonio Sebastian Richter (BBAW, FU Berlin)

E-mail: crossroads.berlin2016@gmail.com

<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.archaeologie.hu-2Dberlin.de_crossroads&d=AwIDaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=opcsBFeNOGibikhitrWp_vvUpAwW-hA4UeIW8Ekh45I&m=U4ryM3lr1Evbraze2PU9AZ-aTY--9SGHLcE1zcfBk0w&s=REhbSaRZvpVp9W-kOB0ihp3XM0douq7hXjCAmxUbwZ4&e= >

<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.archaeologie.hu-2Dberlin.de_crossroads_crossroads-5Fberlin-5F2016-2Dcall-5Ffor-5Fpapers-2D17082015.pdf&d=AwIDaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=opcsBFeNOGibikhitrWp_vvUpAwW-hA4UeIW8Ekh45I&m=U4ryM3lr1Evbraze2PU9AZ-aTY--9SGHLcE1zcfBk0w&s=3GOnT1879oMtT-9Fd5-dgajWLfQD2Yt8ZnF0YQ51hBE&e= >

Postal address:
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Archäologie
LB Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte NO-Afrikas
   z.Hd. Kristina Hülk
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Fax: +49-30-2093-98 101

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