Thursday, June 25, 2015

Fwd: Review of Aidan Dodson, The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt, London 2003. -

Top papers from your news feed from the last week


Review of Aidan Dodson, The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt, London 2003.

by Christoffer Theis

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Tools used in ceramics production during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic: Examples from Teleorman county, Romania

by Corina Ionescu, Otis Crandell, and Pavel Mirea

The production of ceramic pottery involves numerous steps, each of which requires different tools. Many studies focus on pottery, sometimes as tools from a functional point of view, sometimes as cultural markers used to date sites, and sometimes from the point of view of the raw material of which they are composed. The steps involved in pottery production are often studied based on the remains of the pottery itself with only minor mention of the tools used in its production. This paper focuses in particular on Neolithic and Chalcolithic artefacts found at the Măgura-Buduiasca-Boldul lui...

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Pottery firing technology in Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in NW Romania

by Corina Ionescu and Otis Crandell

Among the cultural layers excavated at Vlaha "Pad" site (Cluj county, NW Romania) there were settlements dated to the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age. Pottery and other materials were recovered from a large variety of features (e.g., dwellings and pit) in these levels. It should be noted that the populations of the two phases from which the pottery came were capable of producing high temperature fires, in particular for processing metal ores, such as copper and iron, respectively. Four potsherds assigned to Late Bronze Age and seventeen potsherds assigned to Early Iron Age were...

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Understanding Engagement and Willingness to Speak Up in Social-Television: A Full-Season, Cross-Genre Analysis of TV Audience Participation on Twitter

by Laura Gemini, Fabio Giglietto, and Giovanni Boccia Artieri

The practice of watching TV while using a secondary device is becoming a widespread social phenomenon. At the same time, a growing amount of studies, focus on users' communicative behaviors while consuming specific TV programs or genres. Despite a diffuse scholarly interest on this issue, few studies compare different forms of online audience participation generated around different TV genres. This paper presents a full-season comparative study of live tweeting practices generated around a political talk show and a talent show. We focused on the following research questions: RQ1. What...

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Haghia Triada III. The Late Minoan III Buildings in the Villaggio, Athens 2015

by Santo Privitera

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Ethnoarchaeology of hunter-fisher-gatherers societies in the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego): ethnographical sources and social simulation

by Débora ZURRO and Jose Manuel Galan

Research from the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego) offers a rich ethnographic and historical record produced by the late inclusion of Tierra del Fuego in the industrial world (the Beagle Channel was discovered by R. Fitz-Roy in 1830). This is an interesting frame for using new techniques (social simulation by Agent Based Modelling (ABM)) to generate new hypotheses in archaeology. In this case, the hypothesis is focused on the role of social cooperation in Yámana hunter-fisher-gatherer society.

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A 9,000 Year History of Seal Hunting on Lake Baikal, Siberia: The Zooarchaeology of Sagan-Zaba II

by Tatiana Nomokonova, Andrzej Weber, and Robert Losey

Sagan-Zaba II, a habitation site on the shore of Siberia's Lake Baikal, contains a record of seal hunting that spans much of the Holocene, making it one of the longest histories of seal use in North Asia. Zooarchaeological analyses of the 16,000 Baikal seal remains from this well-dated site clearly show that sealing began here at least 9000 calendar years ago. The use of these animals at Sagan-Zaba appears to have peaked in the Middle Holocene, when foragers used the site as a spring hunting and processing location for yearling and juvenile seals taken on the lake ice. After 4800 years ago,...

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Unstable Contexts: Relational Ontologies and Domestic Settings in Andean Northwest Argentina

by Andres Laguens


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