Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Fwd: Julia Budka uploaded "Die 18. Dynastie auf Sai Island (Nordsudan) – neue Puzzlesteine als Ergebnisse..."

Julia Budka (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie) just uploaded a paper on Academia.edu:

Die 18. Dynastie auf Sai Island (Nordsudan) – neue Puzzlesteine als Ergebnisse der Feldkampagne 2013

by Julia Budka

The ERC project "AcrossBorders", directed by Julia Budka and hosted by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, conducted its first fieldwork season in January-March 2013 on Sai Island in Upper Nubia. New excavations in an area labelled SAV1 East led to the confirmation that the New Kingdom town on Sai ...

The Academia.edu Team

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