Tuesday, June 30, 2015

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Top papers from your news feed from the last week


Funerary rites and cults at Abusir South

by Miroslav Barta | Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

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"Ordinary Lives, Changing Times" Third International Symposium on Coptic Culture: Past, Present, and Future

by Magdalena Kuhn, Sebastian Olschok, Alanna Nobbs, Shaza Ismail, Mennat-Allah El Dorry, Louise Blanke, Heike Behlmer, and Mariam Ayad

Book of Abstracts outlining the contributions of 18 international scholars who participated at the symposium, which was held at the Coptic Orthodox Church Center, U.K., on 5-7 June 2015.

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Between Thebes and Elephantine: busy lives of Egyptian officials

by Julia Budka

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Antonio J.

"Tracing Middle Kingdom Pyramid Texts Traditions at Dahshur"

by Antonio J. Morales

The variety of forms in the mortuary literature of the Middle Kingdom results from the combination of old and new texts and the concurrence of multiple textual traditions of diverse origin, nature, and antiquity. At a local level, theological speculation and textual scholarship ruled the expression of the diverse rituals and beliefs of the community through the textual selections for each coffin and tomb, generating different textual traditions and boosting their advancement. Additionally, the existence of various traditions in the mortuary literature of the Middle Kingdom reveals...

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Kathlyn (Kara)

The Cost of Death: The Social and Economic Value of Ancient Egyptian Funerary Art in the Ramesside Period

by Kathlyn (Kara) Cooney | Bookmarked by Miroslav Barta

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Updated list of current missions working in Egypt and Sudan

by Paula Veiga | Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Following a question made by an undergraduate student, a list of current missions was produced, starting from the available but out of date information seen on the SCA page. The interest of so many colleagues originated the integration of this list on a wider project concerning a digital database, to be built soon. I have initiated a personal database which will now be part of this wider project, at the moment, in the process of acquiring funds to be developed. A proposal is to be submitted some months from now. Until then we are designing the framework of the project, already with some...

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"History of Kush – an Outline"

by Dan'el Kahn | Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

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Heather D

Baker, H.D. 2014. The Babylonian cities: investigating urban morphology using texts and archaeology

by Heather D Baker | Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

This article examines new approaches to investigating the fabric of the Babylonian cities, based on both archaeological and written sources. It focuses on the physical composition of the non-monumental sectors of the city, emphasising the agency of the local inhabitants in shaping their immediate environment and examining the processes by which houses and neighbourhoods were transformed over time.

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Heather D

Baker, H.D. 2013. The image of the city in Hellenistic Babylonia

by Heather D Baker | Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

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The Administration of the Achaemenid Empire

by Andrew Meadows | Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

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