Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Fwd: AATA Online: Abstracts of International Conservation Literature

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Subject: AATA Online: Abstracts of International Conservation Literature
Date: Sun, 07 Jun 2015 15:21:43 GMT
From: Charles Jones

AATA Online: Abstracts of International Conservation Literature AATA Online: Abstracts of International Conservation Literature (Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts)
AATA Online is a comprehensive database of over 134,000 abstracts of literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage. AATA now includes selected subject-specific bibliographies produced as part of the Getty Conservation Institute's own conservation and scientific research projects or as part of specific collaborative projects in which the Institute is involved
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Collapse GCI Project                      Bibliographies GCI Project Bibliographies

Expand Conservation and                      Management of Archaeological Sites (GCIB_CMAS) -                      published in 2003 Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites (GCIB_CMAS) - published in 2003

Expand Conservation and                      Management of the Tomb of Tutankhamen (GCIB_CMTT) -                      published in 2013 Conservation and Management of the Tomb of Tutankhamen (GCIB_CMTT) - published in 2013

Expand Conserving                      Twentieth-Century Built Heritage (GCIB_CTCBH) -                      revised in 2013 Conserving Twentieth-Century Built Heritage (GCIB_CTCBH) - revised in 2013

Expand Earthen                      Architecture Initiative Seismic Retrofitting Project                      (GCIB_SRP) - published in 2013 Earthen Architecture Initiative Seismic Retrofitting Project (GCIB_SRP) - published in 2013

Expand INCCA -                      Contemporary & Modern Art (GCIB_INCCA) -                      published in 2007 INCCA - Contemporary & Modern Art (GCIB_INCCA) - published in 2007

Expand Lime Mortars                      & Plasters (GCIB_LMP) - published in 2003 Lime Mortars & Plasters (GCIB_LMP) - published in 2003

Expand Los Angeles                      Historic Resource Survey (GCIB_LARS) - published in                      2006 Los Angeles Historic Resource Survey (GCIB_LARS) - published in 2006

Expand Museums Emergency                      Programs (GCIB_MEP) - published in 2005 Museums Emergency Programs (GCIB_MEP) - published in 2005

Expand Panel Paintings                      Initiative (GCIB_PPI) - published in 2010 Panel Paintings Initiative (GCIB_PPI) - published in 2010

Expand Recording,                      Documentation, and Information Management (RecorDIM)                      Initiative (GCIB_RDIM) - published in 2007 Recording, Documentation, and Information Management (RecorDIM) Initiative (GCIB_RDIM) - published in 2007

Expand Terra-Earthen                      Architecture (GCIB_TERRA) - published in 2002 Terra-Earthen Architecture (GCIB_TERRA) - published in 2002

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