Sunday, June 14, 2015

Conference at Leiden: Papyri & Social Networks in a Wider Context

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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Conference at Leiden: Papyri & Social Networks in a Wider Context

29-31 Oktober: Conference 'Papyri & Social Networks in a Wider Context'

            -- PAPYRI IN A CHANGING WORLD --
a yearly conference series (2015-2019) organized by 
the Papyrology+ group of Leiden University
First conference held from 29-31 October 2015:
    Papyri & Social Networks in a Wider Context
                 Preliminary Programme:

          Opening of conference series
Thursday 29 October 2015 (Academy Building, Small Auditorium)
15.30 Opening
15.45 Opening lecture by Prof. Dr. Willy CLARYSSE (Leuven): ‘Papyri in a Changing World’
17.00 Drinks at the Faculty Club
18.30 Dinner
            Conference: Papyri & Social Networks in a wider context
Friday 30 October 2015 (University Library)
10.00 First keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Giovanni RUFFINI (New York): ‘Reconsidering Network Analysis: An Evangelist's Skepticism’
11.00 Coffee Break
11.30 Dr. Ewa ZAKRZEWSKA (Amsterdam): ‘Social Network Analysis and historical sociolinguistics: the case of the Coptic Manichaean corpus from Kellis’
12.00 Dr. Froukje HENSTRA (The Hague): ‘The case of Horace Walpole: perks and pitfalls of using historical sources for social network analysis’.
12.45 Lunch
- Walk-in Exhibition of the Papyrus Collection of the Papyrologisch Instituut (University Library)
14.30-17.00 Hands-on workshop Social Network Analysis by Dr. Yanne BROUX (Leuven) and Silke VANBESELAERE, MA (London): ‘From Papyri to Spaghetti Monsters: Networks Al Dente’
17.00 Summary of Today’s Meeting by Prof. Dr. Johannes Preiser-Kapeller
19.00 Dinner
Saturday 31 October 2015 (University Library)
10.00 Second keynote lecture  by Prof. Dr. Johannes PREISER-KAPELLER (Vienna): ‘What is in a network? Narratives, identities, time, space and complexity’
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Dr. Rens TACOMA (Leiden): (title t.b.a.)
12.00 Bas STILL, MA (Leiden): ‘Social networks of Babylonian priests in Borsippa (c. 620-84 BCE)’
12.45-14.00 Lunch
14.10 Renate DEKKER, MA (Leiden): ‘The rise of a new church hierarchy: the position of Egyptian monk-bishops in ca. 600-630’
14.40 Mattias BRAND, MA (Leiden): ‘Exploring speech patterns in social networks as indicators of religious change: the Manichaean community in late antique Egypt’
15.15-16.00 Closing Session with Summary of Today’s Meeting by Prof. Dr. Giovanni RUFFINI
           Everybody is invited, attendance is free.
Please register, either for just the opening session on Thursday or for the whole conference, by October 1, 2015 at
 This conference series is funded by the Plug Legacy

posted by G.W. Schwendner | 11:09 AM

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