Thursday, May 21, 2015

Top papers from your news feed from the last week -

Top papers from your news feed from the last week
Chapter in The Oxford Handbook of African Archaeology, ed. P. Lane and P. Mitchell (Oxford: OUP, 2013) pp.737-50.

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Tissot, I., Troalen, L.G., Manso, M., Ponting, M., Radtke, M., Reinholz, U., Barreiros, M.A., Shaw, I., Carvalho, M.L. and M.F. Guerra 2015. “A multi-analytical approach to gold in Ancient Egypt: Studies on provenance and corrosion”, Spectro Chimica Acta Part B 108: 75-82.

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by Joanne Backhouse | Bookmarked by Kasia Szpakowska

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by Israel Finkelstein | Bookmarked by Ellen Morris
The biblical prohibition against the consumption of pork (Lev 11:7; Deut 14:8), observed in Judaism for over two millennia, is the reason for the special attention paid to the appearance of pig bones in Iron Age strata in the southern Levant. Scholars have assumed that archaeology can shed light on the date of the emergence of this taboo, its role in the shaping of Israelite identity and its function in forming cultural boundaries with neighboring cultures. HESSE reviewed the zooarchaeological data and demonstrated that pig frequencies at sites from the Iron Age are very low, except for...

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by Nika Lavrentyeva | Bookmarked by Kasia Szpakowska
The first issue of a new Russian academic journal on egyptology

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by Hesham Elshazly | Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

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by Paraskevi Martzavou | Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

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by Laurent Bavay | Bookmarked by Ellen Morris
Beside official inscriptions on royal and divine monuments, pottery provides a major source of informa- tion on Egypt’s foreign relations during the Late Bronze Age. in particular, the interdisciplinary study of transport amphorae has proven especially successful in reconstructing the economic system behind the import of Levantine products in Egypt. Geochemical analyses of Canaanite amphorae fabrics from Memphis and Amarna demonstrated the existence and geographical provenance of different groups within this category of imported vessels. These groups can be related to the hieratic...

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by Ross Thomas | Bookmarked by Ellen Morris
Naukratis was a Nile Delta settlement in which many inhabitants followed the Egyptian religious and cultural practices of Lower Egypt. The over 550 Late Period Egyptian figures found at the site are a large and important group among the finds from Naukratis because they attest a clear link with native Egyptian practices at a settlement commonly misunderstood as predominantly Greek. Manufactured from both terracotta and limestone, they are of typical Lower Egyptian types, with representations of nude female, ithyphallic male and Bes figures particularly frequent. Indeed, phallic figures and...

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by David Wengrow | Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

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