Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Sea Peoples, Philistines, and the destruction of cities: A critical and potentially subversive examination of destruction layers ‘caused’ by the ‘Sea Peoples | LinkedIn

Ellie Rose Elliott independent researcher, writer and translator

Sea Peoples, Philistines, and the destruction of cities: A critical and potentially subversive examination of destruction layers 'caused' by the 'Sea Peoples

Gaston Maspero's so-handy [but fundamentally flawed] theory of the 'Sea Peoples' is taken apart in Millek's paper [not currently available for download, sorry], which is a follow-up to his outstanding Master's thesis, 'Archaeology and Ethnicity: The Search for Ethnicity in the Southern Levant during the Iron I Period'. This latter subjected to a critical examination the circular arguments which assign specific sites to 'Canaanite' or 'Israelite' ethnicity on the basis of their not dissimilar material culture. The thesis is downloadable here: https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/handle/1887/21542. Enjoy!

Another well worthwhile contribution to the Sea Peoples issue is Molly Greenhouse's 'Investigating the "Sea Peoples:" Nomadic Tribes and Causes of Migration from Anatolia in the Late Bronze Age', a brisk deconstruction of Maspero's original thesis and a good read, here: https://www.academia.edu/3314781/Investigating_the_Sea_Peoples_Nomadic_Tribes_and_Causes_of_Migration_from_Anatolia_in_the_Late_Bronze_Age.

The Sea Peoples turn up again in this very handy and reasonable assessment of the current state of Biblical archaeology by Professor William Dever: 'The archaeology of the Hebrew Bible', here: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ancient/archeology-hebrew-bible.html

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