Monday, April 6, 2015

Women take managerial positions in Ministry of Antiquities for the first time | Egypt Independent

Women take managerial positions in Ministry of Antiquities for the first time
Sun, 05/04/2015 - 13:22
Mohamed Abdel Latif, head of the Ministry of Antiquities’ Islamic and Coptic Artifacts Department, has appointed Samia Abdel Tawab Karim as director general of the Islamic and Coptic artifacts in the Middle Egypt region, Abir Taha Abdel Rahman as director general of the Islamic and Coptic artifacts west of Assiut, and Heshmat Farrag for the Assiut artifacts.
Latif told the Middle East News Agency on Sunday that this is a step to open opportunities for women in managerial positions, which have long been occupied by men.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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