Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What's New in Papyrology: North American Papyrology Seminar I

North American Papyrology Seminar I

***Preliminary Schedule***
The American Society of Papyrologists Presents
North American Papyrology Seminar I

Friday, May 15, 5:00 PM
Keynote Address:
James Keenan Loyola University, Chicago
Reception following lecture

Saturday, May 16
9:30 AM
David Ratzan (New York University and Sarah Goler (Columbia University)
"Progress Report on the Recent Work of the Ancient Ink Laboratory at Columbia University"

10:45 AM
Isabelle Marthot and Philip Sellew (University of Minnesota)
"The Ancient Lives Project: Training Students in Papyrology While Curating the Texts"
11:45-1:15 PM: break for lunch

1:30 PM
W. Graham Claytor (University of Basel)
"The Papyrus Collection of the University of Basel" 2:00 PM
William A. Johnson (Duke University)
"An Intriguing Ptolemaic Commentary from the Yale Collection"
***15 minute break***

2:45 PM
Micaela Langellotti (University of California, Berkeley)
"A Division of Property from the Grapheion of Tebtunis" 3:15 PM
Michael Zellman-Rohrer (University of California, Berkeley) "An Edition of Two Private Letters in the British Museum"
***15 minute break***

4:00 PM
Lincoln H. Blumell (Brigham Young University)
"Some Unpublished Texts in the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology"

4:30 PM
Brendan Haug (University of Michigan)
"Four Greek and Arabic Village Lists from the early Medieval Fayyum"
Travel Information

posted by G.W. Schwendner | 9:21 AM

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