Friday, April 17, 2015

The Palace of Gold in the Heart of Cairo

The Palace of Gold in the Heart of Cairo

The Throne Hall
The Throne Hall
By Muhamad Nour, FORMA Photos
The Palace of Prince Muhammad Ali is considered a masterpiece of Art. Inspired by the Moroccan and Islamic architectural design, the Palace is located in Al-Manial area in the heart of Cairo.
Established in 1901 with an estimated area of 61,711 square meters, the Palace is surrounded by walls that are reminiscent of a medieval fortress.
This golden gem had been closed since the 2011 revolution but was finally reopened in March 2015 after years of renovation. While it features a unique garden, a clock tower and a museum filled with the Prince’s private collections, only the Mosque, the Residence Hall and the Throne Hall are currently open to the public.
The Mosque's ceiling.
The Mosque’s ceiling.
Another ceiling inside the Mosque.
Another ceiling inside the Mosque.
The Palace consist of five separate, uniquely styled buildings that reflect the wealth and lifestyle of the Prince in the late 19th Century.
The Residence Hall
The Residence Hall
Stairway to the second floor of the Residence Hall
Stairway to the second floor of the Residence Hall
A wall painting carrying the insignia of the Egyptian Kingdom.
A wall painting carrying the insignia of the Egyptian Kingdom.
Inside the Throne Hall
Inside the Throne Hall

About the photographer

Muhamad Nour
Working previously as a manager in the banking industry abroad, Muhamad Nour is currently a free lance photographer based in Cairo, Egypt. Focusing on documenting the architectural heritage of Egypt generally, and Cairo specifically, Muhamad founded FORMA Photos.

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