Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Minister: 50,000 Egyptian workers in Jordan legalized | Egypt Independent
Minister: 50,000 Egyptian workers in Jordan legalized
Wed, 22/04/2015 - 15:23
The total number of Egyptian workers in Jordan who have regularized their legal situation within the grace period of 60 days reached 50,000 people, according Jordan's Minister of Manpower, Tourism and Antiquities Nidal Qatamin.
During a meeting with his Egyptian counterpart Nahed al-Ashry on Wednesday, Qatamin added that “the total number of Egyptians with work permits in Jordan reached 190,000, out of 324,000 workers of different nationalities.”
Jordan has granted Egyptians a grace period until May 1, to regularize their legal situation and obtain all the necessary permits. During the meeting, the two ministers tackled several problems facing Egyptian migrant workers in Jordan.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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