Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Islamic State hacks popular Egyptian radio station's Twitter account - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online
Islamic State hacks popular Egyptian radio station's Twitter account
Zeinab El-Gundy , , Wednesday 15 Apr 2015
Nogoum FM was able to regain control of the account after five hours; hackers condemn 'immoral' Egyptian media and call for destruction of ancient statues

Supporters of the Islamic State (IS) militant group hacked into the Twitter account of popular Egyptian music radio station Nogoum FM in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

Hackers sent tweets urging people to join the group and support the ‘Caliphate’ for five hours, before the account was restored by the radio station's technical team.

"Our people in Egypt: why do you call your caliphate Daesh, that name spread by the infidel secular media? Why do you support us!?" said one of the tweets posted by IS hackers.

The word Daesh, which stands for the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant in Arabic, is hated by IS and its supporters who consider it demeaning and prefer to use the title Islamic State.

Using the hashtag "The Caliphate hacks the immoral media," IS hackers slammed the Muslim Brotherhood for what described as "its non-violent politics."

"Our people in beloved Egypt, you tried the Muslim Brotherhood, what did you gain from them except humiliation? You won't restore your dignity except by jihad," said one of the tweets.

IS considers the Muslim Brotherhood an infidel group for several ideological reasons, including their acceptance of "western democracy."

The Brotherhood has been designated a terrorist organisation in Egypt since November 2013.

In another tweet, IS vowed to "conquer" Egypt and destroy its ancient statues, calling them "false idols."

In other tweets hackers slammed Arab rulers as "infidels."

The hackers sent tweets with media materials to promote IS jihadist ideology, and to defend the image of the group claiming worldwide media lies about the IS.

"@NogoumFM" is followed by 315,000 twitter user.

The popular radio station informed its fans on its official Facebook page that its Twitter account was hacked.

Supporters of IS posted links to the group's older media statements in the comments section of the Facebook page of the station.

Nogoum FM, Egypt's first privately owned FM radio channel, operates out of the Egyptian Media Production City (EMPC) in 6 of October City, Giza.

Last Tuesday at least six improvised bombs targeted electricity pylons feeding the media city, causing power outages and forcing several TV channel to drop off air for several minutes.

Last year, Sinai-based militant group Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis (ABM) pledged allegiance to Islamic State, changing its name to Waliyat Sinai (Sinai Province).

The militant group, which has been designated a terrorist organisation in Egypt and several other countries including the United States, has claimed responsibility for many attacks against security forces, mostly in North Sinai but also other areas in Egypt including in Cairo.

Hundreds of security forces personnel have been killed in attacks launched by the militant group. The Egyptian armed forces have been conducting a huge military operation against the group in Sinai where hundreds of suspected members have been either killed or arrested.

Civilians in North Sinai have been also caught in the middle of the on-going fight between ABM and security forces.

Islamic State published a photo on the hacked @NogoumFM Twitter timeline of "Shady El-Manei" , the leading member of ABM, in an undated photo claiming that he was alive after the announcement by security forces that he was killed last year.

Last January, an IS-affiliated group in Libya claimed responsibility for the murder of 20 Egyptian Christian workers in Tripoli after their kidnap in Sirte.

Egypt launched official airstrikes following the attack on IS positions in Libya.

According to various estimates there are at least hundreds of Egyptians fighting for IS in Syria and Iraq.

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