Sunday, April 12, 2015

‘Silent Sign’ project for intercultural understanding kicks off in Luxor
‘Silent Sign’ project for intercultural understanding kicks off in Luxor
Apr. 12, 2015 17:00

‘Silent Sign’ project for intercultural understanding kicks off in Luxor
Photo courtesy of Facebook page

CAIRO: InBETWEEN for database publishing projects has initiated its “Silent Sign” international project for tolerance, intercultural understanding and learning in Luxor.

On Sunday at 10:00 a.m., thousands gathered at the foot of the mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Luxor “to send a silent message to the world: We all are human, we share hopes and fears for our lives and for those we love, and we share this world,” according to a news release by the organization.

The throng was dressed in white, which was ancient Egypt’s symbol for “the love of silence, for being connected with the earth and for stability.”

“The project intends to build bridges between Luxor and different countries around the world, to connect people across the borders of nations, religion, tribe or state, gender and individual identity,” according to the statement.

The organizers are inviting participants to take “selfies” and submit them to be considered for their exhibition that will travel to a number of cities including Hamburg, Melbourne, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Stockholm and Vancouver.
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