Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Gebel el Silsila Survey Project: Busy bees

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Busy bees

Where did time go? An entire month has passed since our last blog post, then promising continuous updates and images from the field... Now more than ever, Madam Silsila has kept us busy, so much so that we find ourselves in the latter part of our spring season and with discoveries and experiences that surpasses our wildest expectations when arriving here in the beginning of March.
So, what have we been up to? Well, the exact details will have to wait, but archaeological focus has been on the northern corridor in the Main Quarry and 'Tiberius' Stables'; the ceramic analysis moved on with Pottery Hill; Egyptian epigraphy was (re-)recorded in the east bank monuments as well as in the rock-cut temple of the west (the speos) and the Nile stelae in the south.

In addition to the already introduced members, the season has included geological studies by one of our scientific 'giants', Jim Harrell; epigraphy by our other 'giant' Philippe Martinez; archaeo-ceramic studies by Sarah K. Doherty; and digital recording by Stefan Lindgren (3D) (and the team is soon to be joined by digital recorder Kevin Cain). In addition, the team has been blessed with the lovely visits by ARCE's epigraphic fieldschool under J.J. Shirley and  Will Schenck, as well as Dutch Mehen.

There is so much to summarize, but with so little time, we will leave you now with a photographic summary of the season so far.

For the many photos and the rest of the blog, please go the website. Glenn

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