Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Fwd: [EEF] Origins.6

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [EEF] Origins.6
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 10:53:33 +0200
From: A.K. Eyma

    -------Forwarded Message--------    From: Nora Kuch <origins6vienna.egyptology@univie.ac.at>      Dear Colleagues,    we have the pleasure to invite you to the sixth international  conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt in Vienna 2017.  This conference stands in a now well established and successful  tradition of previous meetings in Cracow 2002, Toulouse 2005,  London 2008, New York 2011 and Cairo 2014. This conference deals  with a range of topics relevant to the archaeology, society and  culture of early Egypt in prehistoric and early historical times  up to the early 3rd Millennium B.C.E. Over five days in September  2017, leading experts in the field, together with young scholars,  will gather and present the latest results on archaeological  fieldwork and research relevant to questions surrounding the  origins of the world's first territorial state of Pharaonic Egypt.  At this conference, we especially encourage contributions related  to centralization, urbanism, social complexity and the region of  Memphis.      This is the first call for papers, abstract deadline 28th February  2016.    For more information see:    <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.univie.ac.at_egyptology_origins6.html&d=AwIDaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=opcsBFeNOGibikhitrWp_vvUpAwW-hA4UeIW8Ekh45I&m=SRpnGu14v_U83cYfw0RunzQS5LZ-dBEzD5n3UZ2yppM&s=1Q8SFikvtNjnG6SvHQdtbJzPil-xAAkVAYUeNEzAR9s&e= >      Or join us on Facebook (Origins.6).      We are looking forward to welcoming you soon in Vienna,      Best wishes,      The Organizing Committee      Adel M. Ali    Friederike Junge    E. Christiana KÖHLER    Nora Kuch        

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