Thursday, April 16, 2015

Egyptological presentations at the Society for American Archaeology conference in San Francisco this weekend.

I have this from Jennifer Lavris Makovics, about Egyptological talks at the annual Society for American Archaeology conference in San Francisco this weekend.

Hey Glenn,

The big annual archaeology conference (Society for American Archaeology) is in San Francisco starting today through Sunday (at the Hilton Union Square), and ... there are several Egyptological papers being given - a big session on Egyptian bioarchaeology with Brenda Baker, Sandra Wheeler, and Jessica Kaiser, and my husband is giving the paper he gave at ARCE in Portland about cartography at Abydos. There may be more, I'm just not sure. Here is a link to the conference schedule:

Jen Lavris Makovics

As she says, there are a number of Egyptology talks, and they are buried in the 440-page program here: program/Final_2015 program.pdf.

Thank you, Jen!


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